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Are You Reading Cliff Notes?

Updated: Aug 25, 2023

Judgements are someone else's cliff notes. The person making a judgment has taken the "facts" that they want to consider, and shined them through rose colored rays of light illuminating a pseudo truth which supports their perception.
There is danger in accepting someone else's judgement as these judgements when passed from person to person create a solid but invisible channel within our societal framework, secretly leading the rest of us, down a preconceived path that may or may not be in alignment with our truth.

Spirit's prayer for all of us, today, is that when we are faced with someone else's judgement either in words or by deeds that we remember that the judgement being shared is not a one size fits all truth, and that it is specific to one person's perspective. In this way we show support while keeping our minds are alert, our hearts are open, and our eyes are clear.

With a heart filled smile, and an open soul. Namaste, Cinnamon

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Becky Teasdale
Becky Teasdale
Sep 18, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

So true!


Sep 05, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Love this!

Sep 06, 2023
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Thank you!!

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